The family body and the self-body: intertextual paths between César Vallejo and José Watanabe


  • Miguel íngel Malpartida Quispe Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



César Vallejo, José Watanabe, family body, self-body, allegory


This article explores the pragmatic, thematic and allegorical convergences between texts related to the familiar sphere, illness and body checking in César Vallejo and José Watanabe”™s writings. It is evidenced by the path of common allegories, such as that of the navel and the belly, the work that Watanabe performs on the body images with vallejiana tradition to address identity and confidence in the body. It is also revealed a transition common to both writers, between the familiar body linked to disease, and the body itself, source of healing and transcendence.


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Author Biography

Miguel íngel Malpartida Quispe, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Miguel íngel Malpartida Quispe estudió Literatura en la UNMSM. Ha publicado los poemarios Galerí­a (Lima: Dedo Crí­tico, 2002) y Arte de nariz (Lima: Mesa Redonda, 2007), así­ como artí­culos de crí­tica literaria en revistas especializadas, nacionales e internacionales. Ha sido docente del curso Seminario de Literatura en la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae. Actualmente, cursa la maestrí­a en Literatura Peruana y Latinoamericana en la UNMSM y es docente en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas.



How to Cite

Malpartida Quispe, M. íngel. (2013). The family body and the self-body: intertextual paths between César Vallejo and José Watanabe. Studium Veritatis, 11(17), 359–377.



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