Mating Comparative Controlled in Guinea Pigs with Males who rest in his Puddles's Mating vs. rest in individual Puddles, with and without Male Effect
Mating, treatments, childbirths, maternities, weaning, babiesAbstract
The present work developed in the Agropecuaria Inka Cuy S.A.C., located in the kilometre 50 of the road Lima Canta, district of Quives”™s Santa Rosa, province of Canta, Region Lima, to an altitude of 1,000 m.s.n.m., during January, 2014 to December, 2014. The aim was to evaluate the productive response in the mothers”™ first childbirth that, during his reproductive phase, they had mated with males that mothers rested in his own puddles of mating (T1) vs. mated mothers with males that mothers rested in individual puddles (maternities) (T2) vs. mated mothers with males who rested in individual puddles (maternities) in indirect contact with the females to achieve the male effect (T3). Equally, the females of three treatments gave birth in maternities. In turn, there evaluated two matings with females virgins (2 lots) and one registered in the parturition the following reproductive parameters: (a) size of litter, (b) babies”™ mortality from the birth up to the weaning, (c) number of babies weaned by every given birth female, and (d) number and babies”™ weight weaned by every mated female.
Likewise, an economic analysis of the results was realized in the final part. The obtained results demonstrate a size of litter for the treatment T1 of 2.97; T2 of 3.12 and T3 of 3.29 babies who, to the variance analysis, proved not to be significant. Unitedly, the number of babies weaned by every mated female for the T1 belonged 1.84 babies vs. 2.18 for T2 and 2.21 for the T3. These differences, to the variance analysis, proved not to be significant. Later, it ends up by specifying that the rest of the male in an individual puddle, in indirect contact with the females for 15 days named male effect (T3) vs. the rest of the male in his own puddle of mating (T1), used by the company Inka Cuy S.A.C., it allows an increase of the size of litter; of the number and babies”™ weight weaned by mated female; and of the brute value of the production in soles, which difference in favour of the T3 with male effect vs. the T1 without effect male is 3.30 babies”™ soles weaned by every mated famale. It is necessary to affirm that the above mentioned quantity, for an exploitation of guinea pigs where normally to mate thousands of animals, it turns out to be interesting.