Lessons Learned from Preprofessional Practices in the Context of Virtuality





Pre-professional practice, Initial education, Virtuality


The scenario we faced as a result of the health emergency generated by COVID-19, in 2020, challenged our ability to respond and adapt the development of pre-professional practice in virtual environments, with the aim of continuing the training process. of our students in the face of the conditions of the educational service that regular basic education implemented at the initial level, within the framework of the quality and relevance demands that characterize our university.

Along these lines, the Initial Education study program of the Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University organized and implemented actions required for the development of pre-professional practices with children under 6 years of age in family contexts for practices I and II with children under three years of age and in agreement with public and private IE through institutional digital platforms for working with children from 3 to 5 years old.

Once the health emergency is over, it is up to us to share with the educational community the experience obtained and the lessons learned so that reflection and continuous improvement of the different modalities that can be implemented to achieve the competencies of the graduation profile of a future teacher are promoted. of initial education where technology becomes a valuable resource and not a simple end.

From this perspective, a survey was applied to 20 students from the VII to the X academic cicle of the Initial Education study program of the Sedes Sapientiae Catholic University. The purpose was to establish the results obtained by the students who decided to tae on the challenge of challenge of participating from pre-professional practice. 



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Author Biographies

Marietta Zoraida Socorro Arellano Cabo, Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae

Marietta Zoraida Socorro Arellano Cabo es decana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, maestro en Gestión e Innovación Educativa, especialista en currículo, didáctica, desarrollo infantil, gestión e investigación.

Norma Marlene Borda Miranda, Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae

Norma Marlene Borda Miranda es docente de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, doctora ciencia de la educación, maestra en Educación y creatividad, maestra en psicología educativa, especialista en comunicación y matemática nivel inicial y primaria. Acompañante pedagógico nivel inicial Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local 02.



How to Cite

Arellano Cabo, M. Z. S., & Borda Miranda, N. M. (2023). Lessons Learned from Preprofessional Practices in the Context of Virtuality. Studium Veritatis, 21(27), 7–18. https://doi.org/10.35626/sv.27.2023.355



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