Description of the Input-Output Method: Peruvian Economy Case 2012 - 2013


  • Jorge Alejandro Saavedra Garcí­a Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
  • Angela Cecilia Elí­as Guardián Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal



Math Matrix, Technical Coefficients, Ultimate Demand, Intersectoral Relationships


The input-output method (input-output) represents an empirical approximation of the interrelationships between the different sectors into which a national economy can be divided, treated as pieces of a general equilibrium.

The National Institute of Statistics and Informatics prepares the national accounts based on the year 2007, and through the algebra of nuances analyzes the sectors of the economy in producers or activities (productive units) and in the institutional sector because it deals with the (financing units ). The research work The input-output method and the productive structure, tries to design a methodological instrument that demonstrates the importance of the economic table in the Peruvian economy, for teaching-learning in economic sciences; It also shows us the behavior of intersectoral relations in the global economy, determining the macroeconomic variables as large aggregates of the Peruvian economy.

An economic table is presented for four productive sectors, determining the matrix of technical coefficients and the inverse of the Leontieff matrix (I -C )/ 1; and the new table of economic transactions is obtained. To then analyze some tables provided by the INEI for the period 2012-2013, of the Peruvian economy by departments and by productive activities.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Alejandro Saavedra Garcí­a, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Jorge Alejandro Saavedra Garcí­a es magí­ster economista, actual director del Departamento Académico de Economí­a de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Angela Cecilia Elí­as Guardián, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Angela Cecilia Elí­as Guardián es magí­ster economista. Especialista en Planificación y Gestión Pública y doctorante en Economí­a. Se desempeña como docente universitaria en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Asesor empresarial.



How to Cite

Saavedra Garcí­a, J. A., & Elí­as Guardián, A. C. (2022). Description of the Input-Output Method: Peruvian Economy Case 2012 - 2013. Studium Veritatis, 20(26), 99–131.



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