Experiment with Biol of Sugarcane Byproducts for greater Ecological Performance in Lettuce Cultivation (Lactuca Sativa L.)


  • Edwin Gálvez Torres Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión
  • José Legua Cárdenas Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión
  • Dante Daniel Cruz Nieto Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión
  • Félix Caro Soto Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión




Biol, Dose, Sugarcane waste and Yield


This research deals with the use of residues derived from sugar cane, to reduce contamination in the soil. The objective is to determine the appropriate concentration (ml of biol / l of water) of biol, for the highest yield of lettuce. The fertilizer was obtained from the composition of 16.5 kg of stubble, 16.5 kg of guano guinea pig, 11 kg of bagasse and 11 l of stillage. 
The completely randomized block design statistical model consisting of 5 treatments including the control and the standard dose was used: T1 with 0.0, T2 with 250, T3 with 500, T4 with 750, T5 with 1000 ml of biol over 200 l of water. It was evaluated in the field and laboratory.The obtained data were operated with the analysis of variance and Duncan.
The results determined that the T5 with 12.02 tn / ha of yield, in plant length with 26.92 cm, with a weight per lettuce 165.83 g, and an equatorial diameter of 24.80 cm. However, T4 obtained greater root length with 9.00 cm. In foliar analysis, T5 with 1000 ml of biol obtained a low concentration of the elements (N, P, K and others), however, this amount influenced lettuce yield.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Gálvez Torres, Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Edwin Gálvez Torres es ingeniero quí­mico egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Actualmente es docente universitario en la UNJFSC. Doctorado en Ciencias Ambientales por la UNJFSC.

José Legua Cárdenas, Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión

José Legua Cárdenas es ingeniero quí­mico egresado de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Actualmente es autoridad universitaria en la UNJFSC. Doctorado en Ingenierí­a por la UNFV.

Dante Daniel Cruz Nieto, Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Dante Daniel Cruz Nieto es ingeniero agrónomo egresado de la Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo. Tiene estudios de maestrí­a en Gestión y Ecologí­a Ambiental por la UNJFSC.

Félix Caro Soto, Universidad Nacional Faustino Sánchez Carrión

Félix Caro Soto es licenciado en Administración, egresado de la UNJFSC. Actualmente es docente universitario en la UNJFSC. Doctorado en Administración por la UNJFSC.



How to Cite

Gálvez Torres, E., Legua Cárdenas, J., Cruz Nieto, D. D., & Caro Soto, F. (2019). Experiment with Biol of Sugarcane Byproducts for greater Ecological Performance in Lettuce Cultivation (Lactuca Sativa L.). Studium Veritatis, 17(23), 285–304. https://doi.org/10.35626/sv.23.2019.305



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación