The Present Perfect in Stories of Spanish of Acolla (Juní­n)


  • Yrma Doris Garcí­a Rojas Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae



Present perfect, past simple, tense, Andean Spanish


The current research deals with the morphosyntactic behavior of the present perfect in relation to the past simple tense in Spanish of Acolla. The objective was to determine whether the frequency of use of the present perfect is higher than the one of the past simple in past events stories. Our research is based on seventy five Spanish-speaking six-yearold children”™s oral narrative production. Data collecting for the linguistic corpus was through the strategy named by the author as My favorite pet. This procedure proved to be highly effective for our goals. For the relative and absolute frequency analysis of the involved verbal perfect forms, data were entered on Windows AntConc, 3.2.4 software version. The research findings indicate that in Acolla`s Spanish, the present perfect use frequency is significantly higher than the one of the past simple. This result is similar to other Andean Spanish dialects. The conclusion is that in Acolla”™s Spanish past event narratives, the present perfect is the prevalent verbal form over the past simple.


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Author Biography

Yrma Doris Garcí­a Rojas, Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae

Yrma Doris Garcí­a Rojas es magí­ster en Lingüí­stica por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, autora de la tesis Estructuras del pretérito en relatos orales en el Castellano de los niños de seis años del distrito de Acolla. Con estudios culminados de Maestrí­a en Docencia e Investigación en Educación Superior por la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia y un diplomado en Gestión y Diseño Curricular en Educación Superior Universitaria por la misma universidad, Investigadora interesada en estudios sobre la variedad de castellano andino peruano y autora de artí­culos académicos como Génesis del Castellano Andino de Acolla y Barlow”™s corpora analysis as an ESAP reading comprehension strategy. Cuenta con una vasta experiencia en docencia universitaria y formación inicial docente.



How to Cite

Garcí­a Rojas, Y. D. (2019). The Present Perfect in Stories of Spanish of Acolla (Juní­n). Studium Veritatis, 17(23), 261–283.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación