The priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial in the first chapter of the Presbyterorum Ordinis on the fiftieth anniversary of II Vatican Council
Second Vatican Council, the ministerial priesthood, laity, secularization, evangelism, mission, Eucharist, pastoralAbstract
This paper aims to show the work of Vatican II to help man in divorce between men because of envy. It is difficult to avoid. Among the secular and the Minister of the Sacraments has always been, and not from the Lord, some envy, evil sin, because of envy death entered the world (Sat 1, 13-15), and that”™s not good exists in the Church. In reality, God, who in Christ has sought to death the lost sheep, with risk and sacrifice of himself, we have shown that the smallest of the sheep, or the most sinful, less beloved. Therefore, the Second Vatican Council, in the PO and other documents, has clarified conclusively the reality of the Church. An analysis of the most relevant aspects of this document will identify that has not fallen into Protestant alternative, as played by class struggle, the opposition between the ministry and the laity, but has encompassed both the priestly mission in the same, intercession and delivery, and one was specially commissioned to other service ministry of the laity, and the love of the Pastor, who is Christ.