Influence of the Level of knowledge on Sexuality in the Types of Attitude against Sexual Contents taught in the Area of Person, Family and Human Relations of the Secondary Level (2014)


  • Luisa Vivian Rivero Bravo Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades



Level of Knowledge and Type of Attitude about sexuality of teachers, Sexual content in the area of Person, Family and Human Relations taught by teachers


This research work is a study of the Peruvian educational reality, regarding the work carried out by teachers in charge of the area of Person, Family and Human Relations (PFRRHH), from which issues of sexuality, being the I.E under study: 6080 Rosa de América and I.E. 7236 Max Uhle, belonging to Ugel 01.

The work performed by teachers in educational institutions, will alert us to the level of preparation of the teaching exercise in the development of the classes, since it shows some lacks in the level of knowledge of content and types of attitude regarding sexuality.

For a better organization, it is analyzed from four moments. The first corresponds to an introduction, where everything related to its approach is focused from differents spheres of Peruvian society. The second contains definitions of the study that are essential to understand the situation. The third part corresponds to the form of the work performed. Finally, it presents in a general way the most significant contributions of the work.

Through this, it seeks to publicize the educational reality of teachers in relation to the management of sexual content and the types of attitude they assume before them, knowing that we are in a society with high signs of gender violence and that it is necessary that the actors Educational well understand their role in classrooms.


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Author Biography

Luisa Vivian Rivero Bravo, Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades

Luisa Vivian Rivera Bravo es bachiller (2009) y licenciada (2009) en Educación, en la especialidad de Ciencias Histórico Sociales, por el Instituto Pedagógico Nacional Monterrico. Tiene, además, un diplomado en Neurociencias y Andragogí­a (2012) por la Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Ejerce la docencia desde el año 2009 en diversas instituciones educativas de diferentes niveles tanto públicas como privadas. Actualmente
es docente del área Desarrollo Personal y Ciudadaní­a en una institución pública y del Programa de Extensión Educativa de la Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (Los Olivos).



How to Cite

Rivero Bravo, L. V. (2019). Influence of the Level of knowledge on Sexuality in the Types of Attitude against Sexual Contents taught in the Area of Person, Family and Human Relations of the Secondary Level (2014). Studium Veritatis, 17(23), 97–110.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación