The Training of the Teachers of the Basic School in Peru
From the beginnings of the Republic to 1990
History of education in Peru, teachers in Peru, educational policiesAbstract
In the parents”™ vision of independence popular education was of relevant importance. The Constitutions, legal norms, and official speeches of politicians present education as the main instrument for the population to achieve true emancipation (García, 2005, p. 103; Congreso Constituyente del Perú, 1822 VII. Bases de la Constitución, Art. 21. p. 107; y Archivo Digital de la Legislación del Perú, 1823). Unfortunately, or perhaps inevitably, these ideals, so fancied and proclaimed since the dawn of independence, could not be realized, except in very rare cases, during the first decades of the Republic. Furthermore, an attentive and a little ruthless analysis forces us to recognize that Peru, in the field of basic education, is still far from achieving the objectives that the parents of the country had set for themselves. After almost two hundred years, the country is still in an “educational emergency”. In order to approach an adequate understanding of the current situation of basic education and teaching in Peru, it is undoubtedly useful to briefly go through some stages of its evolution from the beginning of the Republic until today. However, this article will take as its point of arrival the 90s of the last century, leaving for another time the analysis of events related to the world of education that go from the first government of Alberto Fujimori to the resignation of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski.