Infancy and Reproduction Assisted Technics

A bioethics approximation


  • Renzo Paccini Vega



Assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro fertilization, bioethics, embryo, child, person


The arguments for the ethical admission of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) usually emphasize the interests of adults and are many times full of feelings of compassion. The present work intends to set up a debate with a new light by presenting an ART bioethical analysis, especially on that of vitro fertilization by transfer of embryos, and looking at it from the perspective of the interests of children generated by it. First, technical and scientific aspects are described. These reveal ART as consisting of nontherapeutic procedures with very poor efficacy and with yet unknown future effects, which in turn classify them as «experimental». Afterwards, assuming that the human person is the fundamental reference of ethical value, the values of the child, who is inevitably vulnerable in this procedure, are highlighted, such as his human physical life and dignity, his health, filiation and identity and freedom. It is concluded that ART methods imply intrinsically evil acts.


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Author Biography

Renzo Paccini Vega

Renzo Paccini Vega se graduó de médico general en la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. En el 2000 obtuvo la maestrí­a en Bioética en el Ateneo Regina Apostolorum (Roma), y el doctorado en la Universidad Católica del Sagrado Corazón (Roma) en el 2004. Actualmente, es profesor de Bioética en la Facultad de Teologí­a Pontificia y Civil de Lima



How to Cite

Paccini Vega, R. (2013). Infancy and Reproduction Assisted Technics: A bioethics approximation. Studium Veritatis, 11(17), 193–226.



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