Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo: from the extension of worship to Patron of the Latin-American Episcopate

Study and publication of Lima's Archbishop Archive


  • Mario L. Grignani, FSCB



Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo, Pedro Pascual Francisco Farfán de los Godos, Latin American episcopate, Pious XI, Patron of the Latin American episcopate


In the Archiepiscopal Archive of Lima we find unpublished correspondence among several Latin American archbishops as well as bishops with Farfán, the archbishop of Lima. In 1938, the prelate of Lima writes to his colleagues to invite them to raise their pleads to Pope Pius XI in order to obtain the extension of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”™s liturgical Office and Mass to the universal Church; such a collegial Episcopal initiative will result in the saint”™s title as Patron of Latin American Episcopate in 1983. The present work is based in the proper method of historical research and is compounded of introduction, documentary material and its respective content as well as the initiative remote origin. The aforementioned letters are published at the end of the conclusions.


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Author Biography

Mario L. Grignani, FSCB

Mario L. Grignani, FSCB es doctor en Historia Eclesiástica por la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana. Ha publicado La Regla Consueta de Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo y la primera organización de la Iglesia americana (Santiago de Chile: Ediciones UC, 2009); Tratado sobre el Orden, el Matrimonio y la Extrema Unción de San Carlos Borromeo. Introducción, traducción y edición bilingüe con notas por Mario Luigi Grignani (Lima: Fondo Editorial Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, 2010); y «En pro de la Religión y de la dignidad humana. Las fuentes chilenas de la Encí­clica “Lacrimabili statu Indorum” de Pí­o X y la solicitud pastoral de la Santa Sede», en Series: Teologí­a y Vida. Vol. LIV (Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, 2013). Actualmente, es profesor encargado en la Facultad de Misiologí­a de la Pontificia Universidad Urbaniana y profesor asociado en la Facultad de Teologí­a de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.



How to Cite

Grignani, M. L. (2013). Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo: from the extension of worship to Patron of the Latin-American Episcopate: Study and publication of Lima’s Archbishop Archive. Studium Veritatis, 11(17), 121–191.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación