La literatura apócrifa judía en el nuevo testamento: la carta de Judas
Apocryphal, Hisonim, Apocalyptic Canon, Tanaka, Torí , Nebií¬m, Ketubií¬m, Henoc, Assumption of Moses, JudasAbstract
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate how the Jewish apocryphal literature, was used initially by the first Christians --especially of Jewish origin-- to account for their concerns, orientations and doctrinal teachings to the first communities that developed inside and outside Palestine in the first centuries. In particular, the study focuses on the letter of Jude in which we can see references to Jewish apocryphal writings such as the Book of Enoch and the Assumption of Moses. And finally, it we seek to demonstrate how the reference to certain non-canonical writings is neither an impediment nor a doctrinal danger, but a source to learn about the sociocultural and religious environment where, both Judaism and Christianity began to develop in parallel.