John Paul II's contribution to the Social Doctrine of the Church
Social Doctrine of the Church, modernity, laicism, Church, new evangelization, humanity, Christ, John Paul IIAbstract
This paper aims to highlight the contribution made by Pope John Paul II to strengthen the Social Doctrine of the Church. Firstly, the analysis of the legacy left by four of his predecessors, Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius XI and Pius XII, who all had a major involvement in the life of the Church to face the onslaught of modernity, is made. Secondly, it focuses on John Paul II”™s figure for an analysis of his performance in the Church”™s life from the perspective of the «new evangelization». For this purpose, we make a review of the four documents in which John Paul II addresses critical aspects of human life such as Redemptor Hominis, Lavorem Excersens, Solicitudo Rei Socialis and Centesimus Annus. Finally, the paper is concluded by stating the following: (a) the work done by Pope John Paul II during his pontificate has been crucial to make clear that man finds his rationale behind Christ - true human identity, (b) the Church, responsible of mankind management, receives this legacy in order to be manifested to today”™s man through the social doctrine so that he achieves a more human life.