Our Castilian Languaje in the Epoch of Saint Teresa


  • Eliana Gonzales Cruz Universidad de Piura




Castilian, Spanish, history of the language, Saint Teresa, diachrony, mutability


The topic of the present work is the use of the Castilian language in the writings of one of the most representative figures of the mystical poetry of the so called Century of Gold: Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, more known like saint Teresa de Jesus or, simply, Teresa de Avila. In these brief pages they present some linguistic features of the language of the 16th century, and the change is outlined, so of being a “rustic language”, turns into a “national language”. For it, there will be done a brief historical - cultural exhibition of the epoch. Likewise, some variants will show themselves, principally, phonics, of the language of this period, with the purpose of highlighting that saint Teresa writes, in flat, simple, clear style, because her intention is not to go on to the posterity as a writer, but as a handmaid that wants to be closely together of her Lord. In conclusion, the feature of mutability will be highlighted of one of the most important languages nowadays in the writings of great saint this one.


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Author Biography

Eliana Gonzales Cruz, Universidad de Piura

Eliana Gonzales Cruz es doctora en Lingüí­stica Hispánica por la Universidad de Navarra, magí­ster en Artes Liberales por el Instituto de Artes Liberales de la Universidad de Navarra y licenciada en Educación por la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Fue directora de Investigación y Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Piura, coordinadora y profesora del área de Lengua y Literatura tanto en el pregrado como en el postgrado, y coordinadora del equipo de trabajo del blog Castellano Actual. Actualmente, se desempeña como docente de pregrado en el área de Lengua y Literatura de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Piura-campus Lima.



How to Cite

Gonzales Cruz, E. (2015). Our Castilian Languaje in the Epoch of Saint Teresa. Studium Veritatis, 13(19), 221–235. https://doi.org/10.35626/sv.19.2015.66



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