Genesis of Acolla's Andean Spanish


  • Yrma Garcí­a Rojas Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae



Quechua, Andean Spanish, Acolla's Andean Spanish


When the Spanish conqueror arrived in Peru (1532), the Incas had Quechua as their official language. In the viceroyalty times, the Spanish language was imposed as the medium of communication; nevertheless, the peninsular language was not prevented from suffering linguistic changes in its system, due to the natural process every language undergoes when it is in contact with another, a fact, which in turn, was furthermore fostered by historical, geographical and sociocultural factors. All these have played an important role in the emergence of a dialectal variety known as Andean Spanish. In this paper, the main aim is to develop a review of the most relevant historical, geographical and sociological aspects with respect to Quechua. Afterwards, within the same theoretical framework, we will focus on the Peruvian Andean Spanish. Finally, following the same approach, we will provide some information on an Andean variety developed in a district located in the province of Jauja (Junin), which, for this study, will be designated by the name of the place: Acolla”™s Andean Spanish.


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Author Biography

Yrma Garcí­a Rojas, Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae

Yrma Doris Garcí­a Rojas es Profesora graduada en la enseñanza del Inglés en el Instituto Pedagógico Nacional Monterrico y con estudios concluidos de Maestrí­a en Lingüí­stica de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Tiene 15 años de experiencia en la docencia de la Educación Básica Regular, y otros 15 en la docencia a nivel de pre y posgrado. En la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae desempeña el cargo de coordinadora de la carrera de Lengua Inglesa de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades, y con experiencia en las cátedras de Sintaxis, Análisis del Discurso y Adquisición de una Segunda Lengua. Ha asistido y participado en congresos nacionales e internacionales. El 2014 participó como ponente en la 48 Conferencia Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Profesores de Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en Inglaterra, Reino Unido. Es miembro internacional de IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) y TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). Los temas de su interés se relacionan con la Lingüí­stica Andina.



How to Cite

Garcí­a Rojas, Y. (2014). Genesis of Acolla’s Andean Spanish. Studium Veritatis, 12(18), 449–488.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación