Teacher Performance and its Relation to Self-determination, Self-efficacy and Goal orientation

A study of Religion Teachers on Lima


  • Benigno Peceros Pinto Universidad de San Martí­n de Porres




Teaching performance, goal orientation, self.efficacy, self-determination, professor of Religion


The objective was to study the relationship between selfdetermination, self-efficacy, goal orientation and teacher performance teachers of Religious Education in Metropolitan Lima in a sample of 429 teachers. The instruments used were the Teaching Self-Determination Scale(Cf. Reeve y Halusic 2009); Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (Cf. Prieto 2009), the Orientation Questionnaire Target Teacher adapted by Lennia Matos (2005) and Self-Report Questionnaire of Teachers”™ Performance (Cf. Fernández 2002, 2008). Results indicated moderate positive relationship between the studied variables. In the analysis of routes direct relationship of self-determination teacher with teacher performance is identified; and also the relationship of self-determination with teacher performance through self-efficacy and goal orientation. These results raise training teachers whose instructional activities are oriented to the development of teacher autonomy support and autonomy support and student engagement in learning.


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Author Biography

Benigno Peceros Pinto, Universidad de San Martí­n de Porres

Benigno Peceros Pinto es doctor en Educación por la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y doctor en Psicologí­a por la Universidad de San Martí­n de Porres. Asimismo, es especialista en Estadí­stica aplicada a la investigación cientí­fica, además de Gestión de la calidad, autoevaluación y acreditación. Ha sido director general de la Oficina de Educación Católica (Odeccas) del Obispado Castrense del Perú. Actualmente, es capellán en el Hospital Naval y docente del Postgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud en la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae.



How to Cite

Peceros Pinto, B. (2014). Teacher Performance and its Relation to Self-determination, Self-efficacy and Goal orientation: A study of Religion Teachers on Lima. Studium Veritatis, 12(18), 327–382. https://doi.org/10.35626/sv.18.2014.51



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