The Management of the Talent to Produce and to Manage the Intellectual Capital or Explicit Knowledge in our Schools


  • Betty Alfaro Palacios



Management of the Knowledge, the intellectual capital, tacit Knowledge, explicit Knowledge


The topic of this work places inside the management of the knowledge and of the intellectual capital. From the latter, it will penetrate into the management of the explicit knowledge to produce and to share knowledge organizational that helps to the school to be an institution that he learns. With this aim, a brief theoretical frame will be exposed on each of the components used in the investigation since they are the management of the knowledge, the intellectual capital and the management of the talent. The aim of the work was to expose how the executives have to be able to manage the intangibles or tacit knowledge that the teachers produce and do that these turn into tangible or explicit knowledge in order that it could share. For it, an investigation realized in the Educational Institution (IE) Fe  y Alegrí­a N. 2 of the district of San Martí­n de Porres, Lima, Peru.

Th e investigation was realized under the qualitative approach, since it used the technologies of the observation, the interview and the documentary analysis. Finally, the results will help to understand the way in which the studied institution can be a great space where to carry out the social conversion of the knowledge. Likewise, it will allow to know about what way achieves the process of creation of the knowledge organizational or the intellectual capital in this institution.


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Author Biography

Betty Alfaro Palacios

Betty Alfaro Palacios es magí­ster en Gestión de la Educación por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Se desempeña como docente en el pregrado y es jefa de la Unidad Central de Calidad Académica y Acreditación de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae. Ha ganado dos veces el Concurso Nacional “Horacio”, promovido por la Derrama Magisterial en el área de investigación educativa, y el Concurso Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación para Estudiantes de Postgrados-PAIP-2006 de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. De igual modo, es coautora de las publicaciones Gestión del conocimiento. Una exigencia de la educación actual (Lima, Instituto de Formación y Desarrollo Docente de la Derrama Magisterial, 2009) y La formación en gestión de la educación. Tendencias y experiencias desde los postgrados (Lima, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2008).



How to Cite

Alfaro Palacios, B. (2015). The Management of the Talent to Produce and to Manage the Intellectual Capital or Explicit Knowledge in our Schools. Studium Veritatis, 13(19), 59–98.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación