The Neocatechumenal Way in North Lima (1976-2016)


  • Pedro Soto Canales Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae



History of the Church in Peru, Neocatechumenal Way, North Lima


The present work is a study of immediate history, corresponding to the presence and development of the ecclesial movement, within the Catholic Church, called the Neocatechumenal Way. His presence, which spans since 1964, year in which this movement appeared in Spain, up to the present day, is found in several countries. Thus, taking into account its presence in different countries, the case of Peru will be observed since the arrival of this movement in 1976 to the area of North Lima.

For better understanding, the topic will be analyzed taking into account five moments. The first corresponds to a brief introduction to the theme itself, emphasizing the interest in dealing with the theme of the Neocatechumenal Way in the Santí­simo Redentor parish of the Engineering urbanization (district of San Martí­n de Porres, Lima, Peru). The second covers the general definitions of ecclesial movements, particularly the Neocatechumenal Way, accompanying it with a brief picture of some of the ecclesial movements that emerged in the twentieth century. The third corresponds to a brief history of the formation of the first Neocatechumenal community in Peru, the same one that was born in the aforementioned Santí­simo Redentor parish. The fourth presents, in a general way, the most significant
contributions of the Neocatechumenal communities for the development of the urbanization Ingenierí­a (urbanization, parish, families, etc.). Finally, the fifth corresponds to the conclusions regarding the contribution of the Neocatechumenal Way to the Catholic Church.

In this way, this article seeks to recognize and know the first steps of this ecclesial reality, in what is currently Lima North, from the participation of many neighbors (brothers) of the area and other locations to this day. It is noted that, due to the limitations of the extension of the work, it has been considered appropriate to present the most outstanding and according to the author”™s criteria.


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Author Biography

Pedro Soto Canales, Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae

Bachiller (1994) y licenciado (1996) en Educación, en las especialidades de Ciencias Religiosas y Ciencias Históricos Sociales, por la Universidad Marcelino Champagnat. Es, también, diplomado en Docencia Universitaria (2004) por la Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle; diplomado en Seguridad y Defensa Nacional (2005) por el Ministerio de Defensa y la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae; y magí­ster en Historia (2017) por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Ejerce la docencia desde el año 1992 en los diversos niveles educativos. Actualmente es coordinador del área de Historia y de la carrera profesional de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural en la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae y docente de Historia de la Iglesia en la Facultad de Teologí­a Redemptoris Mater (La Punta, Callao).



How to Cite

Soto Canales, P. (2017). The Neocatechumenal Way in North Lima (1976-2016). Studium Veritatis, 15(21), 69–107.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación