Statics and Dynamics in Economic Analysis


  • Jorge Alejandro Saavedra Garcí­a Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
  • Angela Cecilia Elí­as Guardián Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal



Statics, Dynamics, dynamic models, differential equations, difference equations, market, neoclassical


This article seeks to contribute to the design of instruments that demonstrate the importance of dynamic models in economic science. To do this, in addition to a review of bibliographical background around the concepts of dynamics and statics, the use of the deductive logical method will be chosen, which is a thought process that goes from the general (laws or principles) to the particular. (phenomena or concrete facts). According to the deductive method, the conclusion is found within the premises referred to or, in other words, the conclusion is a consequence of these. In this way, the application instruments will be seen as a result where the importance of dynamic models in the Economy is validated. After these results, the need to implement in the faculties of economic sciences the subject of quantitative methods in economics will be stressed in order to group the different trends of mathematical analysis taught with economic theories, which do not allow a quantified vision of biological behavior. psycho-economic-social.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Alejandro Saavedra Garcí­a, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Jorge Alejandro Saavedra Garcí­a es magí­ster economista, actual director del Departamento Académico de Economí­a de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.

Angela Cecilia Elí­as Guardián, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

Angela Cecilia Elí­as Guardián es magí­ster economista. Especialista en Planificación y Gestión Pública y doctorante en Economí­a. Se desempeña como docente universitaria en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Asesor empresarial.



How to Cite

Saavedra Garcí­a, J. A., & Elí­as Guardián, A. C. (2021). Statics and Dynamics in Economic Analysis. Studium Veritatis, 19(25), 57–81.



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