Technical-Economic Comparison of Traditional Transplatation vs Transplant in Rows of the Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in the Province Bellavista (Department of San Martí­n)


  • José Desiderio Ortiz Zelada Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
  • Freddy Omis Cáceres Guerrero Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina



Rice Transplant, Traditional Method, planting in rows, Water sheet


Rice cultivation is one of the important activities of the San Martí­n region and northern Peru. In these lands, and for many years, its cultivation follows a traditional method, which demands a considerable workforce in planting, as well as a large amount of water during its vegetative period. These factors that influence production, served, in this case, to develop a study that compared the virtues of the traditional method against the proposal of row transplantation, which seems to offer multiple benefits for the development of this activity.

This research work was carried out in the Vanillas sector, located in the department of San Martí­n, province of Bellavista, within the district of Bajo Biavo. Among the variables used, we can mention the theoretical work capacity (CTT), effective work capacity (CET), field efficiency (Ef), water demand of the crop, water use efficiency, clumping ability (CnM) or plant height (HT). As can be observed throughout the study, using a spacing between rows and between 30x30 cm seedlings, a higher yield was obtained at 1.5 ton / ha compared to the traditional method. Likewise, a 53.4% reduction in water consumption was achieved with row transplantation and a smaller sheet of water than that used in the traditional method; greater advantages were also obtained with row transplantation than the traditional method.


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Author Biographies

José Desiderio Ortiz Zelada, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

José Desiderio Ortiz Zelada es ingeniero agrí­cola por la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Se ha especializado en producción de arroz y cacao.

Freddy Omis Cáceres Guerrero, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Fredy Omis Cáceres Guerrero es ingeniero agrí­cola y Magí­ster Scientiae en Ingenierí­a Agrí­cola por la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Es, además, docente en la Departamento de Mecanización y Energí­a de la Facultad de Ingenierí­a Agrí­cola de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina y en la Facultad de Ingenierí­a Agraria de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae.



How to Cite

Ortiz Zelada, J. D., & Cáceres Guerrero, F. O. (2018). Technical-Economic Comparison of Traditional Transplatation vs Transplant in Rows of the Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in the Province Bellavista (Department of San Martí­n). Studium Veritatis, 16(22), 201–227.



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación