A Challenge for the Teacher: The Contextualized Mathematical Modeling. Case applied to Connection of Solids


  • William Cesar Santos Tello Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae




Contextualization, linkage, mathematics, modeling, engineering


Currently the engineering programs of the vast majority of Peruvian universities there is a great decoupling between basic science courses (today called general studies ””according to Article N. 41 of the new University Law 30220) and engineering courses according to the specialty, This is the reason why the following research work is presented, which has as its main objective to propose a didactic - methodological strategy that allows the teacher to systematically structure the ability to mathematically model real ”” world problems by contextualizing them, since the university students in a future not too distant will be inserted in a highly changing and competitive work world where they will have to solve real problems. In this way, it is intended to consolidate the learning of university students to their specific area of knowledge. Since when they face situations that concern their profession is when they begin to understand the importance of basic science courses and finally significant learning occurs when they manage to link such knowledge with reality in their respective professional field. This is how contextualized situations are presented in this article, as part of my journey in university education, specifically in the subject of Unit Operations of the one taught in the specialty of Industrial Engineering of the Catholic University Sedes Sapientiae (UCSS), the subject is approached of solid comminution, applying the strategy of contextualized mathematical modeling, within the framework of a real problem that occurs in the industry.


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Author Biography

William Cesar Santos Tello, Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae

William Cesar Santos Tello es ingeniero quí­mico titulado graduado de la Universidad Nacional de Ingenierí­a (UNI). Es egresado de la Maestrí­a en Educación con Mención en Docencia Universitaria graduado de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Posee las siguientes especializaciones: Software para Ingenierí­a de Procesos (UNI), Pruebas y ensayos para control de calidad en la industria plástica (APIPLAST), Formación de Auditores de Sistemas Integrados de Gestión (Colegio de Ingenierosdel Perú). Actualmente ejerce la docencia en la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae (UCSS) para los cursos de Fí­sica 1, Fí­sica 2, Termodinámica y Operaciones Unitarias,Mecánica y Resistencia de Materiales, Matemática Básica 1 y Conceptos Matemáticos. Es también ponente y articulista.



How to Cite

Santos Tello, W. C. (2018). A Challenge for the Teacher: The Contextualized Mathematical Modeling. Case applied to Connection of Solids. Studium Veritatis, 16(22), 105–136. https://doi.org/10.35626/sv.22.2018.284



Estudios: trabajos originales de investigación