Importancia del co-lector en la cultura escrita


  • Mario Amorós Terrones Asociación Peruana de Lectura



reading, education, literacy, written cultures, school, family, teachers, community


In this paper the author will focus on the figure of the co-reader: the person who encourages, stimulates, promotes and accompanies a fellow (usually younger) for adequate appropriation of the written culture, that is, the acquisition of literacy skills. The proposed issue is validated by experiences in kindergarten infants and first graders in primary education, both in the highlands and the Peruvian coast Based on the project «Read With Me», whose purpose is to promote the written culture in children who have not been taught to read and write yet, the author discusses the importance of the integration of three elements in the practice of literacy: the family, the school and the community; that is to say, parents, teachers and the text.


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Author Biography

Mario Amorós Terrones, Asociación Peruana de Lectura

Mario Amorós Terrones es especialista de la Dirección de Desarrollo de Instituciones Educativas (DIGEDIE) del Ministerio de Educación de Perú. Ha sido Presidente de la Asociación Peruana de Lectura (APLEC) y Director Pedagógico del Consorcio de Centros Educativos Católicos del Perú.



How to Cite

Amorós Terrones, M. (2012). Importancia del co-lector en la cultura escrita. Studium Veritatis, 10(16), 215–245.



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